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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anybody on Q and A tonight have a special talent?

Question:i can draw / design excellent patterns

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i can draw / design excellent patterns

I can lick my elbow with my tongue?

Is that a talent?

Lol hmm...

I have the ability of complete and total randomness, and the ability to give hugs when hugs are needed, and sometimes unwanted, lol. I also have curved fingers, and can bend one of my toes completely forward and side to side.

i can balance a teaspoon on my nose!

I write music :)

I can talk bollocks.

I can move my pinkie toe,
up and down and then side to side,.
never met anybody else who can do it.
And of course,
it's entirely useless.

I have the ability of making my german teacher happy with my work. that my friend.. is talent =]

I can sing like a fire in a pet shop...


i can tap dance

which when you consider that lions have 4 paws rather than the humans two is no mean feat

i did try teaching my herd of zebra to do it too but to little avail............. any ideas there?

I can quite well say that.... um...... I make a good roast meal.

Apart from that I dunno never thought about it.

I can dance Flamenco, Sevillana and the Fandango, and I'm English! I dance in a troupe of all Spanish women at most of the big Ferias on the Costa del Sol. It's not very special but it's fun and I love it!

i can do magic tricks and i do oil paintings


...can dance to mambo and salsa while driving.

...can ride my bike while holding an umbrella and eating breakfast at the same time.

...can balance books on my head.

...can also move my pinkie toe up and down and then side to side. Once I even wrote an entire journal entry about my skill in toe wiggling. (Nice to meet you Cambrexia. It's wonderful to talk to someone who has the same interests as I do.) a Connect 4 champion.

...know the words to the second stanza of the Star-Spangled Banner (there are actually four in all). a certified bear tamer.

...can say "Betty Botta bought a bit of butter. But she said, this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. So Betty Botta bought a bit of better butter and put it in her bitter batter, which made Betty Botta's bitter batter a bit better." in one breath and without stumbling over words.

...have made four quilts, 3 afghans, a baby blanket and a half, about 40 some-odd scarves, and at least 4,000 paper cranes.

...can speak Spanish in present tense (only).

...can get a room of kids to be quiet in two seconds. (now that's talent!)

I can play most things with strings, and can call a barn dance while playing fiddle/mandolin/banjo. I can also make my big toes stand up at right-angles to my feet. It's a family thing.

I have a finger which predicts the weather. I broke it and its a bit crooked and it throbs when the weather is going to change. I'm practically a superhero. Weatherpredictingfingerman

My sidekick is mobilephoneaerialheadman whose head boosts a mobile phone signal when you place the phone against his head - even in the pub where you can't normally get a signal.

Together we will battle evil, well not evil but we'll battle uncertain weather forecasting and poor mobile phone reception

i can play over 20 instruments
piano guitar viola violin flute cello bass (guitar and string) banjo fife clarinet bass clarinet trumpet sax tenor sax soprano sax bari sax trombone baritone piccolo and im only 16

I can only catch things in my left hand, even though I'm right -handed.

I can read a whole book in a day (approx 500 pages).

I can add up really quickly.

I can make fantastic birthday cakes.

I can drive a double decker bus.

I can write poetry.

mines is easy to spot

I can play classical and acoustic guitar.

I can oink just like a pig!!!

I am amazingly modest. In fact, I'm probably the most modest person in the world. I guess most people would be jealous of my modesty, but I don't make a big thing of it, even when people make a fuss down the pub and say things like, "Hey everybody, here comes that modest guy." It's quite embarrassing being so modest.

I am a mean ukulele player.