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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are there free ballot classes for preteens and teens in the U.S.?

Question:LOL, check with your local Parks and Recreation Department, or try the local YMCA or Boys and Girls Club.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: LOL, check with your local Parks and Recreation Department, or try the local YMCA or Boys and Girls Club.

there are no free lunch in this world . just make enough money first for the classes

I don't know. I'm sure there isn't here in UK. I had to pay for mine. All I took from it was the ability to do the splits, and the tiniest skirt, to show off in. It's fun doing all those legs-in-the-air moves with no knickers on, just to see the front row's faces.

Adds: And to the doggy person 2 above me whos name I couldn't be bothered to ermember how to spell: I get free lunch all the time. Just gotta know how to work the old charm.

I don't know about free, but low cost yes. Try contacting the YMCA and boys and girls club.

I agree with the others that you may get something at the Y or through social groups.
NY is a big place so I think there would be some where.

Darn. And I had a great rant forming on how Ballots have gotten too complciated and we should hold smaller Elections more often.

rebel nothing is free in life except spam