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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Vagina monologues, Monologeues or play, or Juilliard Audition?

Question:I want to read a monologue from the vagina monologues for my audition at Juilliard but I'm not sure if its realy consitered a play. They said it had to be from a play and not a mono. book. It is a play but it is also just like reading a mono book outload. It is my best mono and I have gotten crazy good results form it. What do you think. Can I read it? Thanks for the imput.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to read a monologue from the vagina monologues for my audition at Juilliard but I'm not sure if its realy consitered a play. They said it had to be from a play and not a mono. book. It is a play but it is also just like reading a mono book outload. It is my best mono and I have gotten crazy good results form it. What do you think. Can I read it? Thanks for the imput.

I am fairly certain that this would fit the requirements. It was written to be performed. I believe it ran off Broadway (I think my Sister was in a production in New Orleans as well). If it works for you, use it. Make sure you know the rest of the play, and how the monologue you are using fits into the play as a whole, but you should be OK. If you are really unsure, though, don't be afraid to ask the admissions department at Julliard. I am sure they can tell you, and there is no harm in asking.

Yes, this is a good audition piece, but if I were you I'd stay in the boundary lines due to the fact that if I were you I'd love to get into Julliard, and something silly to goof that up so you have to wait a year, should not be something that you are already somewhat aware of.