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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In cirque du soleil does anyone know where I can find the songs that little blac

Question:I don't know her name but she has the very high voice one of her songs have the words suave la'more

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know her name but she has the very high voice one of her songs have the words suave la'more

Tori Letzler I believe is the Saprano "Little Girl" You are talking about. She was 16 when they hired her. Tori was cast as the lead female character Zoe in the show Quidam. She was sent to Montreal where she trained for four months before being integrated into a cast of fifty-six artists (including singers, dancers, mimes and trapeze artists) to perform in various places throughout the United States. After six months of touring in the states, Tori was asked to join the international tour where she would perform four to five times a week in places like Dubai, Seoul, Korea, and Shanghai, China.
An aspect of the show’s mystique is the fact that vocalists sing in a made-up language — a combination of Russian, Italian, French and other languages from around the globe. With such a combination, it comes as no surprise that the cast is also a hodgepodge of ethnicities and cultures.
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