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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What advice can you give to an aspiring porn star?

Question:Really ask yourself why you want to do this. There are sooooo many other really good professions that you could go into that would lead you to have a much better reputation than a this type of career. There's so many risks with this job that can affect both your mental and physical health. Plus, chances are that your job may not last long depending on your age, look, etc. I know it's unfortunate and undoubtly unfair, but you would only be used as a tool. Then once you're done with the industry (assuming that you don't have any lasting mental or physical health problems), you'll be under the stress of having to find a new career. Most employers may be really skeptical about hiring someone who's been a porn star, which could easily cost you a job. In addition, you may not even be able to apply for certain jobs because of it.

So my word of advice is to really think about the possible short and long term consequences and really keep your options open.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Really ask yourself why you want to do this. There are sooooo many other really good professions that you could go into that would lead you to have a much better reputation than a this type of career. There's so many risks with this job that can affect both your mental and physical health. Plus, chances are that your job may not last long depending on your age, look, etc. I know it's unfortunate and undoubtly unfair, but you would only be used as a tool. Then once you're done with the industry (assuming that you don't have any lasting mental or physical health problems), you'll be under the stress of having to find a new career. Most employers may be really skeptical about hiring someone who's been a porn star, which could easily cost you a job. In addition, you may not even be able to apply for certain jobs because of it.

So my word of advice is to really think about the possible short and long term consequences and really keep your options open.

come to butthead

The best way is not to do or continue it.
But if you really like it and enjoy doing it, then go ahead, follow your dream as long as no one gets hurt.....

always wear contraceptives