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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Rookie [colorguard] rifle help -- drop spins?

Question:Hey guys :) Well, we don't have rifle auditions until spring but me and this girl are trying to teach ourselves a thing or two about rifles so we're a bit ahead of the game (I plan on getting together with one of my retired rifle friends soon...) and we've just been working on right hand drop spins the last two days. I know how to drop stop and I get the idea of spinning but it seems like I can BARELY get to ten without my wrist killing me and (here lies my problem) as I do more drop spins, the farther away I seem to get from the main spot where we're supposed to spin and the closer I get to the bolt (I think that's what it's called?). Any tips as to how to stop this and correct my technique? Thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey guys :) Well, we don't have rifle auditions until spring but me and this girl are trying to teach ourselves a thing or two about rifles so we're a bit ahead of the game (I plan on getting together with one of my retired rifle friends soon...) and we've just been working on right hand drop spins the last two days. I know how to drop stop and I get the idea of spinning but it seems like I can BARELY get to ten without my wrist killing me and (here lies my problem) as I do more drop spins, the farther away I seem to get from the main spot where we're supposed to spin and the closer I get to the bolt (I think that's what it's called?). Any tips as to how to stop this and correct my technique? Thanks :)

If your wrists are killing you, then your doing something wrong. Exactly what? Hard to say since i cant watch you do it (unless you post a video or something). You shouldnt have to move your wrists a whole lot spins just require a flick of the wrist and , if your doing it correctly, the momentum should keep carrying it around your hand.

As for traveling farther away that's mostly you needing to just buckle down and practice. Try standing against a wall and twirling this will correct too much movement of the arm and should cause your hand to stay in one place.

Good Luck
