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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What would be a good workout routine for an actor and dancer?

Question:I am primarily an actor, but also plan to train in dance outside of my college classes(as I said, I am focused on acting) and need to get in shape so I am wondering what a good workout routine would be.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am primarily an actor, but also plan to train in dance outside of my college classes(as I said, I am focused on acting) and need to get in shape so I am wondering what a good workout routine would be.

As an actor it is really important that you get and keep excellent alignment. If you are planning on dance as well, start with a beginners ballet class. It helps with alignment, strength, balance, toning and flexibility. It is also the base of many forms of stage movement.
If you take a couple of jazz classes too, you will find yourself very very fit, very quickly. Dancers need to take class every day of their working life. If you are not planning on being a dancer I would say 3-4 classes a week will keep you going.

I am a dancer too but only at the clubs. But I have a diet and a good routine of a great jog every evening and a gym membership. I need to be fit for my job too. Cya

Crunches. You need a strong core

walk alot?

maybe getting a proper job for starters !

You would want to do Yoga or Pilates or something that will increase balance and flexibility. Also would recommend doing dance aerobics. Both of these would accomplish good muscle tone, balance, flexibility, endurance, and overall fitness.

chin-ups push-ups sit-ups dips jogging

It would depend on time, but here is what I sometimes do in.
Wake up early morning (around 6am or 5am) and run about 3 miles. Then later in the evening lift some weights. Remember though, in order to completely complement this sort of routine it you have to eat your vegetables, try juicing carrots and other kinds of vegetables.

Well, get up around noon...drink 3 cosmopolitans, then call the paparazzi and let them know you are going to tacobell for lunch. Then you should do some walking, like to a designer hair salon, or perhaps a Gucci store. Afterwards, you should drive drunk to a studio so you can do a photo shoot and act like a fool. Then home again where you can drink 3 more cosmos, do some crank and then go to dinner where you can be part of a hit and run, and then go to a friends house so you can avoid police and find someone who is sorry for you...

After that workout, I'm telling'll be ready for fame!

The best answer I can give is what I've found works for me:

2 days cardio (30-60 min)
Must get heart rate at about 70-80% max (experienced target cardio heart rate, work your way up there over a few months to get there if you are out of shape)
Change up the cardio activities you do, i.e., treadmill, eliptical, stationary bike, swimming, etc. so your body doesn't get used to the same thing over time.

1 day weight lifting upper or lower body (light weights high reps if you are not looking to bulk up, medium weights medium reps if you are looking to put on a little muscle, heavy weights if you are muscle bound maniac)

2 more days cardio.

1 day weights on the lower or upper body whichever you didn't do before.

1 day off if you wish to make it a 7-day week.