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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What the purpose to alternate picking when playing guitar rather than one way pi

Question:because when u alternate pick it keeps the rhythum up if u can keep the rhtum up by 1-way go right ahead but its proper practice to alternate

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: because when u alternate pick it keeps the rhythum up if u can keep the rhtum up by 1-way go right ahead but its proper practice to alternate

You can pick a lot faster and more smoothly if you use alternating up and down strokes with the pick instead of using all downstrokes.

SPEED . . . you can pick FASTER if you hit the string BOTH coming AND going.

When you use a down stroke to pluck the string in order to do another down stroke you have to come up and cross the string. Why not hit the string while moving in both directions. This allows you to pick twice as fast as you would with only downstrokes.