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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My daugher who is 11 was told by her choir director she has a "full octave

Question:Yes that is very good. its hard to explain with typing but she can sing a full scale in her range (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do) depending how thick her vocal bands are is what determines how much of a range she will have (also how mature she is [body wise] and if she is getting any vocal lessons). like with me i have a 3 octave range (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do-re-mi-fa-so-la-... but mine is growing b/c i practice everyday and ive taken voice lessons at Converse college for almost 5 years. So tell her to keep up the good work and if music/singing is her passion like mine to never give up and always try to move forward. Take all the critizism she can get and turn it into good things and build off of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes that is very good. its hard to explain with typing but she can sing a full scale in her range (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do) depending how thick her vocal bands are is what determines how much of a range she will have (also how mature she is [body wise] and if she is getting any vocal lessons). like with me i have a 3 octave range (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do-re-mi-fa-so-la-... but mine is growing b/c i practice everyday and ive taken voice lessons at Converse college for almost 5 years. So tell her to keep up the good work and if music/singing is her passion like mine to never give up and always try to move forward. Take all the critizism she can get and turn it into good things and build off of it.

This is disguising a limited range with faint praise. Most people have ranges greater than one octave. Now, the fact that she is only 11, her voice has not even begun to mature into the voice it will eventually become. But whether her voice matures into an alto or a soprano, most singers -- even for the purposes of something like church choir -- have ( and NEED) ranges larger than one octave. With practice and vocalization, she should be able to increase that range to at least two octaves

It could be...she's only eleven so it's to soon to tell...but it's a good sign....good luck to her....why not get her to sing something on would be good experience for her !!!!!!!

It's not all that great, although it depends on what the range is (C=>C? etc.) She is still young so give it time. Don't push her to sing out of her range cause she can seriously hurt her voice. There are some good warm-ups out there if she's interested in increasing her range. Ask her choir director or maybe see about getting some lessons. She's too young for serious training but she can still have fun with music and learn a little bit too. One last thing, don't push her to have lessons unless she wants them. Fighting to get your child to practice is a nightmare, and it's just going to discourage her from having interest in music.

An octave is just fine for an 11 year old. As she matures physically and learns more about singing properly, her range will probably grow as well -- but please don't push it, because her vocal cords and throat are still so young and delicate. Some children may have bigger ranges than her already, but everyone matures at a different rate.