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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Isn't "Grease" just the most ridiculous film musical of all time?

Question:I watched it tonight for the first time in probably 20 years.

Most of the actors playing these high school characters are in their 30s! Lordy, why didn't they just put in some jokes about them having been held back 15 years?

And why, having re-set the thing in California, did they retain the strong [and somewhat annoying] Brooklyn dialects?

And did greasers in the 1950s really walk that way? They guys swagger so much that their hips are almost popping and it looks like they're almost skipping.

Don't get me wrong -- it's a fun movie, and I remember going to see it at the drive-in with several friends the summer it came out. But now it just looks perplexingly odd.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I watched it tonight for the first time in probably 20 years.

Most of the actors playing these high school characters are in their 30s! Lordy, why didn't they just put in some jokes about them having been held back 15 years?

And why, having re-set the thing in California, did they retain the strong [and somewhat annoying] Brooklyn dialects?

And did greasers in the 1950s really walk that way? They guys swagger so much that their hips are almost popping and it looks like they're almost skipping.

Don't get me wrong -- it's a fun movie, and I remember going to see it at the drive-in with several friends the summer it came out. But now it just looks perplexingly odd.

ridiculous is an understatement

If by 'ridiculous' you mean 'Greatest', then yes.

Yeah, it's dreadful in a really good way :)

I looooove Grease. You make some goodpoints though. But movies back then were not so realistic I(I do not think then they are now. I mean people watched them more for enetertainment and now with all the compitition they think more about what would be realistic or not ya know?

dont diss grease!!! the question is, when you finished watching it did you feel happier than before? of course you did!!!!

aww its a good movie

the complete human body helth details

please our web sight

I'm not a big fan of musicals, but I thought it was pretty good

I'm certain there were more rediculous played well when it came out and we didn't think about the character ages versus the actors ages, as far as the swagger...I can remember my dad laughing at that...but people didn't walk around and break out into song either...they still don't...but life might be more interesting if we I get what your saying.

actully i think its pretty stupid i like high school musical better actully im watching it right now one and two i watch it all the time.

Grease is great and that's that. Your arguments against it are petty with many faults.


It's a silly musical. If it makes someone happy when they see it it has done it's job. Go look at "West Side Story". I saw it recently and the guys just look so dumb.
But look at most shows today. We kind of assume that we can look into people's (sterilized) lives through a missing fourth wall. And most of them are speaking way too loudly.

LOL!!! I love Grease!!! It's not ridiculous at all. Infact I have the DVD! haha..

I don't really think during the 1950's people really walk like that. I think people who walked like that think that they're cooler. In the movie the only 4 person who walked that way were the T-birds and their enemy.

There are a lot of other things you can think about that made those characters acted the way they did... In the movie, they were all acting as teenagers in high school, so what do teenagers do?!?! They're not different from teens today. Go to the movies, read magazines, go to a nice restaurant, car racing.. It's pretty similar to what's happening in modern day. Just that the clothes and hair are different. As for the accent.. they might have different backgrounds.. People move out of state and into another state all the time and they were raise in a family carrying that kind of accent!

Or simply they watch movies or tv and thought that kind of accent is cool... Just because they have a high school gang themselves, so to act and play cool they used that after watching a gang movie or something...

No i liked it , the music is good and so is the story - lol - i have seen much worse

If you think Grease is ridiculous, try watching "Cry baby" with Johnny Depp.

OMG! GREASE is like the best musical in all time! It has been on broadway over 25 times! and you are saying it's bad? I respect your opinion and everything but it is a great musical, and I agree you can tell they aren't 18!

You should watch "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."

Ah, sweet Pippi...

You are so right on this one. John TreeVolta all slicked down with goose grease just looks like a nerd in Vaseline. Not cool at all. And Olivie N.J. looks tighter than a prom queen, eh? Then she comes out all black tight pantsed and all slutty. How stupid. Makes John head straight to "wood" shop class, if ya know what I mean.

The only REALLY good character in that thing was Eve Arden as the lady principal (vice-principal?) . Now she was good, the rest are just too cotton candy sweet.