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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Please, take a moment to look?
This website was made by my brother. It was made for my baby brother who died 3 years ago. My family puts on a benifit show for him every year. Please take a moment to look at the site. If you have any ideas on how to improve it or if you know anyone else that may want to sponsor please contact my brother through the site. Thanks so much

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This website was made by my brother. It was made for my baby brother who died 3 years ago. My family puts on a benifit show for him every year. Please take a moment to look at the site. If you have any ideas on how to improve it or if you know anyone else that may want to sponsor please contact my brother through the site. Thanks so much
I know of a child born with the same defect.. he was lucky enough to live because of two more heart defects, holes between both upper chamber and both lower chambers. So he got a mix of blood. This same child is now 16 and driving!!!! I got an A on the biology report I did on him in High school. Nice site I like the addition of sound on or off.
Sorry about your brother, what did he die from?