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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i increase my accuracy and speed on guitar?

Question:i've been playing guitar for almost 2 years but i still suck. help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i've been playing guitar for almost 2 years but i still suck. help!
People often make the mistake of thinking they can learn to play faster and more accurate by focusing on playing as fast as they can, but this often leads to tension and they mess up a lot. Instead, practice playing slowly but relaxed. The key is being relaxed as you play, and slowly speeding up, but never so fast as you aren't relaxed yet. Watch drummers, the faster they play, the more relaxed they are- tension is the killer. So keep playing, and when you mess up, play it slower until you can't mess up, and just go slow, relaxed, and in no time you'll be very fast and relaxed. (but like in 2 months, not an hour)
There are exercises specifically designed for this. Sounds like you need a few sessions with a good teacher who can get you started. After that it's just lots of practice.
practice scales like the pentagonic scale
Well a trick that works for me is to play each standard lick I do backwards, note for note. It not only gives you a new perspective but it familiarizes you with the neck even more. Good luck.
practice makes perfect. practice everyday and soon you will realize that your accuracy and speed in playing guitar are improving. goodluck!
Use metronome. You can search the internet for some exercises.

Here are some:
My technique helped me out for playing and building speed. It all depends on your sound actually. I started out with chromatics, which is basically just going up the frets one after the other. I use all 4 fingers on my fretting hand when doing this. I go 1, 2, 3, 4, and then down a string and repeat, then reverse the order on the way back up. With my picking hand I am picking alternately, (up, down, up, down) as I go. Practice this slowly, and as you start to get more comfortable with it. Do it with scales, such as the Pentatonic Scale, not Pentagonic which someone else who answered said lol. The most basic Pentatonic is the A minor, starting on the fifth fret of the Low E string. Pracitce doing those with the up, down technique. Next, practice going through those same chops with legato, or picking once and hammering on as many of the notes as you possibly can. When you get that down, go back to the up, down picking and spice up your music. Add some chromatics into the Pentatonic scales and some slides and bends and so on. The main thing is to not get frustrated. Feel free to e-mail me or message me and I may see if I can send you one of my vids I have made. The last thing you can do...and I do not recommend it. Drop all your friends, and never come out of your room. I did that and got about 9 hours of practice a day. LOL
i've played over 2 years.
and can't really do much.
just keep trying.
practice new picking methods.
watch professionals play.