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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's your favorite song in "the Phantom of the Opera" and why?

Question:lol thats a hard of the question...I love them all so much but I'd have to say Wandering Child because Christine sings "Wildly my mind beats against you--yet the soul obeys!" she comes out and says that her soul belongs to Erik...also of course the title song "Phantom of the Opera" because its just so...powerful and triumphant! I love every single one of the songs they sing on the stage...but there you go.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: lol thats a hard of the question...I love them all so much but I'd have to say Wandering Child because Christine sings "Wildly my mind beats against you--yet the soul obeys!" she comes out and says that her soul belongs to Erik...also of course the title song "Phantom of the Opera" because its just so...powerful and triumphant! I love every single one of the songs they sing on the stage...but there you go.
Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer, by far. The song is I think over 13 minutes long but it does not seem that long because I enjoy it so much. It's just a very emotional song with beautiful words and notes, and towards the very end when Phantom says "Christine, I lo-o-ve you" and when he sings a bit of Masquerade is when I cry (every time, never fails!).
I like Music of the Night, personally, because it's a tribute to music itself. The melody leaps and flows and soars. Whenever I listen to it, I find myself breathing in rhythm... And the lyrics are pure poetry. Both dark and sensual... possibly my favorite song of all time.