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Question:im going to perform infront of alot of people soon and i get really nervous and confused.
anyway i can reduce this or be more confident

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going to perform infront of alot of people soon and i get really nervous and confused.
anyway i can reduce this or be more confident
I'm not the best at it either. I still get nervous etc.. But I've calmed down ALOT by standing in front of a mirror, and either reading lines, or just saying to myself "I am (You-name), and I'm confident" - Sounds silly, but it's good... And make sure to look yourself in the eye's as you're saying it.

Good luck!!!
All you can do is keep confronting it...and it'll eventually recede. I learned this going from crappy little school plays to radio to TV.

Remember: They don't know if you screw up, unless it's an obvious pause. Wing it. Keep your game face on.
You have no alternative, but to help yourself!
Confidence is a good place to start. Practice what you need to say until you are posative that you will not forget. then If you do forget just keep on as if nothing happened. Ask friend to listen to you. Then with a group of friends. that is a way to start. Good luck.
I'm afraid not, - it takes time, I sing in front of people every Sunday, it's been 4 years, I'm just now getting to the point that my nervousness is not visible. My hands still get really cold, i guess the answer is time.
Get someone to make you laugh or shock you before you go on.I remeber when I was doing 'Teachers' onenight..terrified, then as we walked on stage one of the other actors burped..I laughed and that was that!
Before you go on, try to keep calm, even if seems everyone else around is bustling round madly. Try and breathe deeply, and think through your performance in your mind so its all right there. When you get in front of the people, try not to focus on them, but instead on your performance. Ignore everyone else around you, unless part of your performance is interacting with other people, then focus solely on them. Good luck!
Just pretend there's no1 there or just pretend that every1 is in there underwear, now that's sumthing 2 laugh at and make u feel more confident and less nervous!

i hope this helps good luck!!
imagine everyone in their underwear. XD
also, look just above the audience to the wall at the back.
and relax, you will do just fine. :)
It helps to have a routine or thought in place that calms you down in stressfull situations. I have funny little mantra that seems to take the edge off. But the best way of dealing with stage fright is experience. Each performance means that you get used to the whole routine and you'll become more relaxed and less nervous. Memorise what you will be performing, or at least have a very solid idea. Knowing something inside-out means it will be second nature should nerves kick in.

You're obviously good enough to perform, which is a big plus to your confidence. Hopefully you're also doing because you want to and that you enjoy it, so remember that too.

My problems is that I'm a nervous wreck *after* the performance. LOL
The best way I find to beat stage fright is not to look the audience directly in the should look in the direction of the audience but look just over their heads.the audience will still believe you are looking directly at them but you never have to make eye contact.