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Question:is it hard to learn? play?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is it hard to learn? play?
There are no easy musical instruments. If you want to become a good musician on any instrument, you have to be willing to put the time in and practice, practice, practice. You have to realize that learning to play an instrument is really a life-long journey, not a destination, because no matter where you are on the path called "learning the violin", there is always something more to learn, some new skill to get better at.

Having said that, the violin (or fiddle, same instrument but different music, different attitude) is challenging at first, as there are no frets on the fingerboard to show you where to place your fingers for accurate noting, and learning to control the bow to get a good sound takes a fair amount of practice. OTOH, the easy part about the fiddle is that most of the time you're only playing one note at a time, as compared, lets say, to the piano, where your left and right hands are doing two different things at once and you're playing several notes simultaneously.

But think about this -- Suzuki trained teachers work with children as young as 3, 4 and 5 years old, and those kids learn to play beautifully. Children who take up violin have an advantage over adults or teens, because little kids don't know that the violin is "supposed to be" difficult -- they just play it and have fun with it. They're not intimidated. Beginning teen and adult violin students, OTOH, are often convinced even before they start, that the violin is really hard and that they won't be any good at it -- so they're more likely to get discouraged and quit at the first sign of difficulty. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Bottom line -- if you really want to learn to play the violin for your own personal fun and enjoyment, go for it. Don't expect overnight results, learn to enjoy the learning process itself, however slow and painstaking it may be for you, and you'll do fine. I would recommend at least a few lessons with a good teacher, to get you started properly so that you don't develop bad habits that will hold you back later on.

Good luck!
Its violin, firstly.

Yes it is hard to learn and be professional at it, as is with almost all instruments. Playing is a different thing.
Yep, I bought my violin in April, only got it out a few times, you really have to rosen it up, tune it etc. But seeing I'm a novice - at the violin its best left answering to someone with more experience.

The piano is much easier. - But then again its personal preference.