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Position:Home>Performing Arts> School orchestra, not school spirit?

Question:at my school, the orchestra is the biggest fine arts department in the school. unfortunately, we're the most apathetic out of the instrumental music classes.
orchestra is more laid back. we practice for about a half hour a day. even in the top class, most of the people are more into other things. there are opportunities to get more hard core about orchestra, but those are elite; for most things, you need private lessons, and it's mostly individual.

i'm asking for ideas: how do i help unite the orchestra as a single organization, rather than just an easy A class?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: at my school, the orchestra is the biggest fine arts department in the school. unfortunately, we're the most apathetic out of the instrumental music classes.
orchestra is more laid back. we practice for about a half hour a day. even in the top class, most of the people are more into other things. there are opportunities to get more hard core about orchestra, but those are elite; for most things, you need private lessons, and it's mostly individual.

i'm asking for ideas: how do i help unite the orchestra as a single organization, rather than just an easy A class?
this will have to be a coordinated event, I don't think you can go it alone. find a couple more like-minded people, and get together with the conductor. Present your opinion to him/her
and ask what he/she can do to help.
Are there opportunites for your group to present itself as an organization outside the school? Can you take a smaller group on a little tour, say to senior's homes, or to the kid's ward in the hospital? These are epople who don't get much contact with the outside world, and gives you a chance to pull together. The tshirts idea is perfect for such an endeavor, as it gives you the group feeling, and lets everyone else know who you are at the same time.
Or what about going to a grade school and being the recruits for the next wave of kids to enter your school? It won't be hard to get the musically active ones up and running, but there are a lot of kids who never even thought of what they might be able to do in music, without some sort of example from their peers. since most everyone nowadays limits themselves to piano, guitar, bass, or drums, strings and winds might open their eyes and ears a bit....
Above all, be patient with your peers. It's easy to go over the edge with your enthusiasm, and that can stop people in their tracks ( happened to me more times than I can count....) If people are not willing to participate in a project, maybe you might want to reassess where you belong. Are you far enough along in your own studies as to join the next higher level? Don't forget about your own practice!
Best wishes, and I hope you find a workable solution.
get music cool music my orchestra loved these song they were incredible

if these songs are too hard look for easier ones in that website.
The concert was amazing and everybody loved it have fun fridays like play guitar hero. Get some t-shirts for the orchestra most important part is to have fun.Also have a family fun day do alot of events have awards all of that. Have alot of concerts and events which will bring the students closer
My school orchestra is very united. We have a committie that plans get togethers and a yearly party for the orchestra students. even just having out of school rehersals helps with the bondage. In my orchestra, we have everybody from people who just play for fun, to people who are enrolled in the chicago youth symphony. We all get along great, no matter what level you are.