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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Advice on playing drums for starters?

Question:can someone give me some advice or some links for me to help me get started i already play guitar and bass if that helps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can someone give me some advice or some links for me to help me get started i already play guitar and bass if that helps
First of all get yourself a pair of 2b drum sticks. They are going to feel like a pair of bassball bats but this will be akin to the runner who practices wearing a pair of clod hoppers. Later when you start playing with a set of 1a's it will be like the runner wearing a nice pair of Nikes for the race. Next get a good snare drum. Go to your local music store and try them out. find one that has a good "snap" and won't have an after tone "ring". Get a book on technique. You will only need to learn a few basics: stroke, flam, 5stroke roll, 7stroke roll, and long roll. Learn to transition smoothly from an open roll to a good tight smooth roll and this will give you the technique to handle most everything you will want to do. Next get a good 14" sock cymbal and learn to get a good 4/4 groove by rocking back on your heel on 1 and 3 and driving your toe on 2 and 4. This will give you a good up beat groove. Next add a 20" ride. To learn good technique on this cymbal I suggest you go to your Yahoo music jukebox and find Kenny Clark. This guy could get more tone and texture from a 20" ride than anyone before or since. Then you will want a small bass drum. This will only be used to add the occasional accent "bomb". Three other drummers I suggest you listen to for technique are first of all the most musical drummer of all time and I feel the greatest of all time Max Roach. Never a wasted move but never anything lacking, He was the greatest. Then for polyrithyms you can' beat Art Blakey. Finally there is the great fusion drummer who can realy put it all together Tony Williams. There is nothing like the fun of sitting behind a nice set of traps driving a good front line. You are in for some fun, good luck.
Well, since you're already musically talented, playing drums is quite simple. Basically, if you can just follow the beat of the song, you can play drums. I play for my school's band (snare), and for sunday's masses at church (bongos). If you really wanted to learn music and rudiments and all that stuff, try buying some books that have a cd that comes with it. There like 6-8 dollars at Sam Goody or places like that. If you're interested in playing a whole drum-set, start out just playing the snare and bass, or snare and hi-hat, then add your toms and other cymbols. Playing the drums is fun, and you can get very creative with it. For practicing, just come up with little beats in your head and play it, or listen to your favorite song and rock out. It's just that easy! Well, i hope i helped you. Good luck!!