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Position:Home>Performing Arts> If you stick food up your butt, will it come out your mouth?

Question:It was on south Park, i was wondering if it is true? :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It was on south Park, i was wondering if it is true? :)
I saw that episode of South Park. It was hysterical!! But no, the food will not come out your mouth. However, I suppose if you tried it enough, you may eventually damage your intestines and they could, conceivably stop functioning. If your intestines stop functioning, then what you eat (through your mouth) would back up and come back up your esophagus. (Unfortunately, I've had two grandparents and a close friend who experienced this when their intestines got blocked in their old age). I suppose if you're messing around with your rectum, and also eating through your mouth, and this happens it would appear that the food you put in through your butt was coming out through your mouth.

Hmmmmmm....... how do our minds come up with such thoughts?
Not true
wow, your immature
A future M.D. asks... No. The flow of digestion due to peristalsis... no, it can't. Yyaahhgghh! What a disgusting ?
I don't think this is a very appropriate question!!!!! unless your under seven....I think you should know the answer to this....common sense will give you the answer...your food is digested in your stomach and goes thought your intestines.....think about this sounds very immature !!!!!!!!