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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am 2 shy to sing!!!!!!?

Question:I am a good singer and i want to take it further because its a waste if i dont because i believe you only live life once and you should do what you want with it but ive only sang infront of my family a couple of times and even then i get shaky and to shy to sing i really want to enter a talent show or something.... does anyone have any good suggestions to boost my confidence please help!!!!!!! does anyone else have this problem!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a good singer and i want to take it further because its a waste if i dont because i believe you only live life once and you should do what you want with it but ive only sang infront of my family a couple of times and even then i get shaky and to shy to sing i really want to enter a talent show or something.... does anyone have any good suggestions to boost my confidence please help!!!!!!! does anyone else have this problem!!!
Experience and practice. Stage fright is extremely common, even among the most seasoned performers, but the more you get up there and do it, the more your confidence grows and you learn how to channel that nervousness into energy you can use for your performance.

Basically stage fright comes down to a fear of being judged by others, which stems from a lack of confidence in your abilities. You say that you're a good singer and it sounds like you enjoy singing, so you just need to be more confident in yourself.

Singing in front of your family is great. Keep doing it. You could start off with something low key, like a 1-on-1 session with mom and go through a lot of songs. You'll probably start off shaky, but it will be better a few songs into it. Move up from 1-on-1 to a small group and do the same thing. Eventually, ask some of your friends if you can sing for them as well. The more you do it, the more you will see that you CAN perform even when your nervous, so that nervousness won't prevent you from putting on a good show. Check out youtube for videos of people whose nerves get the best of them and their voice is shaking and wobbling all over the place and there are also videos of people who say they're nervous, but then sound great. That's because those people have learned to channel their nervousness.

Some tips:

1. Remember to breathe! Breath support is the first thing to go in stressful situations (like auditions!) so concentrate on taking good, deep, supported breaths.

2. Know your piece cold. The last thing you want to be doing while your performing is trying to remember the words or where that key change kicks in.

3. Pretend you're a character. It's easier if you don't think it's you up there for all to see, plus if you get into the song and add personaltiy, it's much more entertaining for the people watching. Nicole Kidman says on the Moulin Rouge extras that she was really nervous doing the Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend scene b/c Baz Lurhman wanted her to sing it live and there were hundreds of extras on set. She said once she got into character, it was fine!

4. Take voice lessons. The more solid your technique is, the more confidence you will have that it will be there when you need it most - ie. in performance and audition situations.

Good luck!!
Go do some private singing lessons!
do you attend signing lessons?
there you tend to boost your confidence, it can be hard, but as people say, the confident people are the ones that people listen too and remember.
think that the people infront of you are the things you ever wanted to get ... but before you get that things you need to finish your mission and that is singing ... try your best to get that things ...
you are confident with your good voice. don't bother of the audience. just focus to your song and behave like you are alone in your own room.
There is an old saying that if you pretend to be brave nobody can tell the difference. As per the previous answers, try singing lessons; if that is out of your budget try a local choir -some of them sing all sirts of contemporary music, not just church music. You could also try visualisation before you sing - close your eyes and picture yourself walking out to sing, calm confident and composed. Go through your repertoire in your mind three or four times from start to finsh and mentally enjoy the applause. Savour the feeling. When you actually go to sing close your eyes and bring back the feeling, open your eyes and go! Good luck!
can you sing in front of one person without getting too nervous? If so then try to make each singing session as if you're singing to one person. Use that person as a focal point to return to and don't really look at anyone esle during the performances.

I hate public speaking and am shy but I had to do it. So at first I did the one person thing and treated it like I was talking to the one only. As my confidence grew (as I was rather good with it) I was able to look around and be even more animated etc and did not feel as uncomfortable.

Although I still don't like doing it I can now do it and make it memorable. So do it for one and then expand to others and as you sing put feeling into it and concentrate on that more than the crowd.

I do this and it helps as I don't really look at everyone there, just work on the words.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
first off, it was a bit hard to read your question because its a run on sentence.

but it looks like almost everyone answered this correctly. when you take singing lessons you will gain confidence, because you will know how and why you are doing WHAT you are doing.

also, dont be falsely confident. you say you are a good singer now. okay, did you tell others this? If you did, you may know somewhere inside that you dont measure up to what you are claiming to be.
Oh yes, I used to be pretty shy too, but afterwards, I found a way to overcome my shyness, you see, I'm a person who wants to go forwards so I will do anything to be better than others. Now, I don't have a singing talent, but I am very good at making speeches, I was pretty shy before but not anymore, usually when I'm at it I just tell myself that these people aren't really very scary, why should I be shy? Is there any true reason to be shy? NO. So I just go up there and make my speech, this is my chance to show everyone what I am capable of and I don't worry, because I used to be shy even when making my speeches to the family. So you see, don't be shy, there's no reason to be.... What about the other people, why can they do it? If they can, then you can. So go for it and tell yourself that there's nothing to be shy of, if it's still hard then try imagining as if there's nobody there and you're singing to yourself, pretend you're completely alone and act whatever way you want, that's how some of those famous popstars became famous so do your best and go for it!

Good Luck!
You forgot one very important old are you....if your young just give it'll gain confidence in time....try to sing at every opportunity that you can, try singing at every family function, and at every talent show that you see....either in school or in the newspaper. Some people have stage fright and never do get over it.....Barbara Streisand has had this all her life and never got over it, she just had to deal with it.....but don't give I said, maybe time will cure this !!!!!! Good luck....and don't give up !! Your not alone in this....everyone that I talk to who sings or plays an instrument has these same feelings !!!!!!!
Just put yourself out there and do it. The next time there is an opportunity to sing in front of people..... talent show, church service, etc..... take it & sing whatever song you think you sound best at.

My 11-yr-old daughter has a gorgeous, powerful voice, but has always been terrified to sing solo. I have always told her she has a perfect "national anthem" voice. An opportunity to sing the national anthem in front of the whole school came up, and she auditioned for it... and was selected. She blew everyone away with her singing ability. She walked off the stage saying, "wow, that was easy. I should do that more often."

You're convincing yourself to be afraid. Stop the negative self talk and get out there and try it.