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Position:Home>Performing Arts> If your a serious long do you practice each week or day?

Question:If your a serious long do you practice each week or day?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If your a serious long do you practice each week or day?
I specifically make the time to practice for at least an hour a day, however its probably more as I find I just randomly start singing one of the songs I'm currently working on while I'm on the computer or alone.... and just keep in mind what I need to do to improve it. Also the hour I put away may not just be for singing, its also for listening to the music and making notes on how I can sing the piece best to fit the music, mood timing etc
Practising encompasses everything from actual singing to other related preparation and study, such as going over translations or working on emotional interpretations.

My number of hours practising varies as per my lesson and performance schedule. During the busy season I may rehearse up to three hours daily, which may only translate to an hour and a half of actual singing.

Please note that if a mental or physical rest is needed, then do not be afraid to break your schedule! Listen to your body (it knows best) and take a day off when you need to. I try to take at least one day a week 'off' of practising completely.
I can't shut up! I'm always singing around the house, in the choir and in my lesson. I allocate time each day for practice. But every little bit hepls. Ha ha