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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are notes on Tenor sax same as the notes on an alto?

Question:I'm playing for the first time ever and I'm really nervous. Thanx.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm playing for the first time ever and I'm really nervous. Thanx.
I think that both the alto and tenor have different issues and benefits that the other doesn't. The tenor will be harder because of needing more air and support on the low notes, but it's intonation issues are less than the alto (in my opinion).
Yes, the fingerings for the saxophones, all of them, are the same. The only time they change are in altissimo, which you don't need to worry about.
Fingerings for all saxes are pretty much the same.

It's your armature that you really need to worry about. An alto requires much more control than the tenor does.

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Fingerings for saxes are all the same (trust me, I play 2 different saxes). The only difference is the pitch of the note.
For example, a tenor (one of the ones I play) starts its B flat Concert scale on a C, but the baritone sax (the other one I play) starts it on a G.
See, saxes are in different keys: the bari is in E flat, the Tenor is in B flat (the same as a clarinet). That's why the tenor and bari start on two different notes for the same scale. It's the way their pitches were tuned.
So, YES!
all saxes use the same fingerings and read the same notes. Really simple to switch back and forth.
Yes G is the first three keys on a tenor but for D you would only use six fingers instead of seven. If you use seven you will play a D sharp or a middle C.