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Question:My trombone has two really big dents in it and I am really sad because now I can't play a thing I love.what would you do if you broke something that isn't yours.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My trombone has two really big dents in it and I am really sad because now I can't play a thing I love.what would you do if you broke something that isn't yours.
Accidents happen don't worry about it. Also, most dents can be repaired and make the instrument look good as new. If the dents were caused by you not being carefull then I would offer to pay for the repair cost. If you didn't put the dents in then your school would likely cover the cost. Talk to your band director and be honest about the cause of the dents. He'll have more respect for you about coming to him with the problem than finding out by seeing it.
If I broke something that wasn't mine, I would find a qualified repair person and get it repaired at my own expense.

If you borrowed the trombone -- from your school or wherever-- and broke it, you are responsible for taking care of it and getting it fixed. If you don't know where to take it for repairs, show the trombone to your music teacher and ask him or her to recommend a repair shop.