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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What does it take to become a professional singer?

Question:Does anyone have any real advice for me on how to achieve that? It has been a dream of mine for a very long time. I have classes set up at a music school and I am hoping to learn a lot from it. Any kind of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone have any real advice for me on how to achieve that? It has been a dream of mine for a very long time. I have classes set up at a music school and I am hoping to learn a lot from it. Any kind of feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Good for you for signing up for classes. A lot of people on Yahoo! Answers just want to know a magic way to ::pop:: suddenly become famous (not everyone, but still...). You recognize that it takes time and work (and you didn't even ask how to become famous. Yeah!). The Cinderella stories are the popular ones because everyone wants it, but the majority of singers, performers, etc. work long and hard before they have a secure job. And even then, show biz is not the most stable work. Be prepared.

Make the most out of the classes you signed up for. LISTEN to the teachers and your classmates. Constructive criticism is something that everybody asks for, but no one really wants to accept. At least that's been my experience. Your teachers and peers aren't out to tell you how horrible you are, they want to help you get better at what you love to do. Accept their thoughts for what they are worth and then decide what works best for you. Remember these are suggestions. In the end it's your job to decide what you think is best.

Keep practicing. Get more lessons. Sing whenever you can. Join choirs, hire out for weddings (or even offer to sing for free), call up radio stations and ask if/when they will be recording those little jingles and send them your resume. You've got to get your name out into the community and start looking for jobs. Ask other area singers how they find jobs. I'm a theatre person and in my area there's an emailing list you can join that sends out all auditions, tech jobs, etc. Networking is a wonderful thing. Keep track of the names and numbers of everyone you meet. You never know when they might be able to help you.

Audition, audition, audition. That's all I can say. I don't know much about the agent stuff, but I know how best to get the education and experience needed to then take the next step.

Good luck!

FYI: I went back to look at the other answers. bwlobo's answer is actually a list of things NOT to do. Seriously, it's one of those email things, like: "You know you're from Nebraska when...". Don't listen to a word, though you might try doing the opposite of them. ^_^
You have to be original, you have to have talent, and you have to have a break.
you have to open your legs to the right people...enjoy your quest
Lots of practice,get noticed in small crowds,go to auditions,get a manager,etc.
There are numerous people out there with the same initiative. However, in my opinion it is an profession that is nearly impossible to achieve. SORRY. But luck is the only element that truly makes one a professional singer. I would make a bet that there are singers out there that are way better than the celebrity singers today that do not have the fame and fortune that they got. This is because America only accepts those who are given to them by the media and unless you are not noticed by the media, then America will not recognize you. Im sorry that this does not give you hope, but its true!
A Guide to Become a Professional Singer...

Wait for all applause - real, expected, or imagined! If you don’t get an ovation, face front and repeat the last phrase louder. Failing this, clap for yourself.
Cultivate an attitude of hostility. Tension gets results - on stage and off
A good performance, like concrete, should be moulded quickly and then forever set.
Your first responsibility as a singer is to find your light.
Do not listen to your fellow singers on stage. It will only throw you. Do not look at them either - You may not like what you see.
Always be specific - point to what you’re singing about.
If a phrase isn’t working for you, change it.
Stage Managers arc NOT singers - ignore them. Keep them alert by never arriving on time or signing in.
Never be afraid to ad-lib to get attention, especially if you feel the other singers aren’t very entertaining.
Mistakes are never your fault.
Always find something to ***** about, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Your fellow singers will respect your professional attention to detail.
Never carry make-up - someone else will always have what you need. Never help understudies. (They secretly hate you and want your job)
Do help your fellow singers by giving them constructive criticism whenever you feel it necessary. Be sure to give that criticism immediately before they go on - it will be fresh in their minds that way.
Keep other singers on their toes by ridiculing their performances, and never let them know what you’re going to do next
Play the reality - always be aware of the audience and whether you think they like the opera, and then gauge your performance accordingly. Why knock yourself out for ungrateful snobs?
Need to develop a character? Get a costume.
The only difference between an amateur and a pro is that the pro does exactly the same thing for money.
Talent and tenacity and luck.

The talent part of it- You don't have to be an american idol level singer to become "professional" but you may never become a Star. There are thousands of singers working all across the nation and abroad. Most don't make a 6 figure income, many have a day job.

But more important than a good voice is uniqueness and the feeling you put into the song. Louis Armstrong had a terrible voice and, yet, he was the best voice for his generation and beyond.

Even with uniqueness you will have to get known - pay your dues. That usually takes years.

Finally, you will probably find that if you make it there was that bit of luck. Being at the right place at the right time.

If you love singing the above will be no problem. If you don't really love singing the above may seem like too much. If it does- it is.

It takes a lot of patience, practice, and hounding the right people. Maybe if you know of a talent scout that will be somewhere to listen to people. I know you can make demo tapes of yourself and send them in to many many people in hopes that they will listen to it. It can get very expensive and more dedication than most people are willing to give.
Talent and luck...why not put something on youtube...thousands will see you and who knows who's watching....and agent...producer, etc....If this is a dream of your don't give takes years for most stars to get where they are....If your good enough you'll make it somehow....especially if you have the drive and dedication that it takes to make it in this very competitive world....good luck to you....and don't get discouraged !!!!!!!!
Good looks is very important. Have u seen that all the professional singers are good looking? and they have style, fancy clothes and stuff. But u gotta be determined with the voice and stuff. Sometimes the diet affects how ur vocal cords prosduces the sounds, so be careful in what u eat.