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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How did young actors/actresses find jobs?

Question:I know that all actors/actresses have these talent agents that lead them to auditions, but how about children?
Parents would not be as daring to get their child a talent agent just because he/she can pose cutely, etc, but we see all these babies and kids on TV.
How did they get the jobs?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that all actors/actresses have these talent agents that lead them to auditions, but how about children?
Parents would not be as daring to get their child a talent agent just because he/she can pose cutely, etc, but we see all these babies and kids on TV.
How did they get the jobs?
Living near a large city is an advantage, even a necessity, unless one is willing to relocate. Toronto, for instance, has agencies which will represent a child model or performer, if the child has what it takes. Parents must have a portfolio of professional glossy pics made up and then make the rounds, just as an adult performer would do. Sometimes it pays off. But it's no easy task.