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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can someone recommend a good foreign film ?

Question:I'm looking for good movies (and i've seen all the typical ones: run lola run, life is beautiful, das boat, seven samurai, goodbye lenin, city of god, 8 1/2, belle de jour)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for good movies (and i've seen all the typical ones: run lola run, life is beautiful, das boat, seven samurai, goodbye lenin, city of god, 8 1/2, belle de jour)
How about some good food movies....all foreign of course:

"Like Water For Chocolate"

"Babettes Feast"

"Eat, Drink, Man, Woman"

All excellent movies!!!!
le pacte des loups and irreversible

One thing I will warn you, irreversible is a tough movie to digest, considering that 9 minute rape scene. It is a film I personally think all woman should see.
Les Choristes "The Choir" about a school for troubled boys and how music changed their lives- really touching.
Amélie (or: "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain")

Love Me if You Dare (or: "Jeux d'enfants") (My favorite after "Life is Beautiful")

Cinema Paradiso



Happenstance (or: "Le Battement D'Aile du Papillon")
La Strada
Its been out quite awhile, but Amelie was good--