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Question:What are the differences between the different types of music that the violin can play? Like celtic, classical, etc.

And what's the difference between a violin and a fiddle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the differences between the different types of music that the violin can play? Like celtic, classical, etc.

And what's the difference between a violin and a fiddle?
They are actually the SAME thing! : )
A violin is a fiddle; a fiddle is a violin. There are no differentiating features period. The only true reason you'd call one instrument a violin and the other a fiddle is the approach...someone who plays fiddle tunes, a fiddler, will address their violin as a fiddle.

Some fiddlers will shave their bridge flat to ensure an easily attainable double-stop (two strings played at once) the set-up may be different on a fiddle...they're still one and the same instrument.

The major difference between learning to fiddle OR to play violin?
It's all in the approach and the choice of material. Learning violin is far more disciplinary; learning fiddle is less restrictive in form and technique. Violin has a well-established outline for the learning's also very critical to learn correct form and position. The bowing technique on violin is far more rigid...the fingerboard hand is well defined and also has set parameters. For instance, you never hear a slide technique within a violin context. On fiddle, sliding up, or down, to a melody note is very common. Additionally, there is no set standard for holding the neck or bow as there is on violin. I believe that a well-versed fiddler can tap into violin technique to a large advantage. By learning proper violin form and technique, the fiddler will only advance themselves to a level that will ensure no impediments from bad habits.

For difference in violin music.. check this out:

For more info - go here: :)

: ) Hope this helps! : )
: )
violin and fiddle are the same thing.

however, you should not refer to an instrumentalist who plays classical music as a fiddler. (i know some who would take that as an insult). these people prefer to be called violinists.

folk, celtic, and rock music played on this instrument can be referred to as "fiddle" music.

so basically, there isn't a difference. it's a matter of taste and preference.