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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Musicians...what is the best way to learn the guitar?

Question:Obviously I need to get one and start playing to learn...but I am looking for some specific information.

Also, I really want to learn the bass...should I start with the regular guitar first?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Obviously I need to get one and start playing to learn...but I am looking for some specific information.

Also, I really want to learn the bass...should I start with the regular guitar first?
Music theory is important for understanding how music works. Piano players struggle to learn how to read music as do guitar players. Hand position is important for most instruments. How music theory is applied in how to play any musical instrument is important. Guitar players need to build up their dexterity and their fingers tips need to toughen up. You learn patterns in theory and in playing. Beginning guitar students do best starting out with a really good teacher who will present theory along with how to play.
However, Jimi Hendrix just turned his guitar backwards so it seemed to make more sense as to what guitar charts look like. Normally the guitar is upside down and backwards.