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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What song can I sing in a christmas panto about "searching"?


What song can I sing in a christmas panto about "searching"?

I am playing Prince Charming in our christmas panto, and need to sing a song about looking for Cinderella when she runs off without her slipper. We had considered a version of "We are Sailing" making it "We are searching" but think that is a bit weak... Any idea's for a song I could use? ( I am female by the way) .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, this may be a bit obscure, but it's a good song. If you can get ahold of the script of Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie, the stage version, there is a lovely song called 'Light At The End Of The Tunnel,' about Wendy and the boys wanting to find their way home.