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What do I charge for my service as a piano accompanist?

Should I charge by song, length of song, or the number of hours put in? I've had bad luck finding anything on the internet about this, so any resources that can be found would be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It really depends on how often you do it, and the length of time of your service each time you do it. I know of a voice teacher who hosts recitals that are about 1.5 - 2 hours long, consisting of multiple singers (about 10 - 12 performers). The accompanist charges $10-$20 per performer, depending on the formality of the occasion. If an individual performs a concert by themselves for ~1 hour, she asks ~ $50-75, maybe up to $90, depending on the occasion. If you're only going to accompany a performer for a few songs, I would charge by half hour, maybe asking the same as you would if you were to give lessons by the half hour. If it's only one or two songs, maybe $10-20 would suffice, depending on how well you know your performer.

Hope this helps!