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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you do the "Metomorpasis" Magic trick?


How do you do the "Metomorpasis" Magic trick?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think I know the one you mean, and its an old one so I don't think I'll be giving anything major away.

Magician is locked in a trunk handcuffed or bound. As soon as the lid goes down, he undoes the binding. Assistant raises a hoop with a curtain around it about waist high, allowing the magician to slip out a secret panel in the back of the trunk. Assistant stands on the trunk and counts "1.... 2...." and on 3 the Magician has appeared (sometimes in a change of clothes, which are simply underneath his original costume which is what is called a "breakaway"). Magician ballyhoos the audience for a bit allowing assistant to get into trunk. Magician makes a big show of undoing the locks while assistant inside is getting into shackles or changing clothes (another breakaway costume). Trunk is opened and out she comes.