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I am 13 and supposed to sound like a 16? what is up with that?

Im a freshmen and I auditioned for advanced choir at my highschool and I got in. Most of the people in there range from 15 years to 18 years, with only a few freshmen. However, some of the freshmen already turned 15, and there is a large difference between a 13 year old singing voice and a 16 year olds. I skipped a grade, but nobody knows that. So, my choir teacher expects me to have such a mature sounding voice but its hard! How can i make my voice sound fuller without harming it? How can I make it sound more mature? (Somebody once told me that vocal chords dont come together until your about 15, which makes the voice stronger and fuller, i have a whole year until i turn 14! what to do until then?) i would REALLY appreciate any help anybody could give me - i want to do well in my choir!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While it might be true that a person's voice doesn't "come together" until 15 or 16, it is also true that everyone develops differently and at different paces during adolescence. This means that there are probably a few 14 or 15 year olds who are still somewhat undeveloped in their voices. You're not the only one with a young voice, I am sure of that. Besides this, choirs are meant to have a variety of sounds working in harmony, which means that your choir director is probably glad that you have something different to offer when you sing. Be glad to be unique in the meantime!