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Why do they reject me because I do performing arts?

I am doing performing arts student and I need a small job, but if I go and ask anywhere outside the theatre, they reject me when they hear that I do performing arts. Why is this? Just because I need time off for shows, doesn't mean I don't want a job at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most of the time employers see Performing Arts individuals as unstable. They consider us a risk for their business and would rather hire someone that will not have a conflict of interest, as they like to call it. A lot of minimum wage jobs also go through employees at a high rate so they have a tendency to say no when or if they see a potential risk. I am not sure what type of performing arts you are in but I know this applies especially to actors more than dancers, as actors seem to get called for castings/auditions on the spot and have to drop what they are doing to run to the audition. If you are a dancer, that usually doesnt happen that frequently so maybe you should explain that you are a dancer and you dont have a million auditions to go to at the drop of a dime. The only other thing you can tell them is close to nothing...dont pose as a risk if you know you wont be one. Dont let them judge you incorrectly. Just tell them as much of the truth as necessary and leave it at that. If you are running to castings & auditions constantly however, try to get a night job. Typically castings and auditions are not held later at night. You could have your days free for training and auditions and your nights to work to keep you on path of your dreams! If this isnt something you are interested in, try doing is promotional modeling actually. There are usually always promotions giong on and you are not obligated to do every one that comes up. If you can work it, you book it and if you cant, it doesnt matter. There are pros & cons to doing promotions but the good thing is that they are very flexible. Hope this helped!