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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm wondering what to do for a choir audition. I know that I'll do failry well i


I'm wondering what to do for a choir audition. I know that I'll do failry well if I sing a solo, but...

I have a pretty large vocal range. HOWEVER, I think a duet with a boy would be quite fun to do, especially because I really enjoy singing love songs or preparing something like this with another person. I COULD do something with another girl, but when it comes to singing, boys are the ones I feel more comfortable with (plus, not many girls want to do duets for choir this year). And if I do it with a boy, it might be hard to find one, because I think they're already paring up. Also, I'm not so good at talking to the cuter, more talented boys that would easily get me in (although one of them said "I can't audition w/ you, I already promised my other friend. But if I could, I would easily get in with your good voice singing along (no, he doesn't like me. he already has a gf)!" I really don't know what to do for this audition: I have plenty of time to prepare, but I don't want to leave this as something that, at the very last minute, is something I finally pay attention to. Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The purpose of the audition is to hear how well you sing, the tone of your voice, if you can read music and if you can harmonize. You need to do a solo performance.