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Singing with a cold?

Is it alright to sing with a cold? Or can this harm your voice? Also, does anyone have any tips for singing with a cold? It's getting to be that time of year again, and I'm planning on doing a few gigs. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you have a sore throat and are coughing, singing is going to hurt and make your throat worse.

If you just have a head cold, your voice will be fine. If you are full of mucas, try a sinus drying medication. Or if you are dry, really push the fluids. Lots of water (room temperature, not cold), hot tea with lemon. It depends on your preference. Many performers prefer to sing through mucas than a dry mouth - in which case, drink a big glass of milk prior to going onstage. Also, cough drops are your friend. Get ones that have a Vitamin C supplement in them as well. And, if you need to go onstage with a rough voice, take a few drops of oil of oregano under the tounge. Works wonders for quick fixes.

Most importantly, rest rest rest. Use your voice as you normally would (i.e if you stop talking, it actually does more harm than good).