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Im a singer in a musical and i have shows all next week...?

and suddenley i've developed a sore throat and a pretty bad cough..what should i do to make my self better by wednesday???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First, rest. (that's usually the toughest!) Gargle with salt water - one heaping teaspoon to a glass of warm water - 5 times a day. Do NOT gargle with mouthwash - it strips your throat. See a doctor, as it could be strep - if it is, then forget singing. Wear a scarf (muffler, if you're American) at all times. Breathe through your nose - mouth breathing dries the throat. Don't do rough throat-clearing, it'll make it worse. Inhale metholyptus vapours if possible. If you want to practice your singing, just hum it. Practising in your head is good practice - you don't HAVE to vocalize the notes. Now, take two aspirin and go to bed!