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Musicians (specially pianists) I need help.?

Ok, I ⴭ gonna have this piano test in a month and I have to memorize 4 short pieces to play them in front of a small audience. Iⴶe done it before but I still find it very hard (both memorize and play in public without forgetting the notes, fingering etc.).
What tips can you give me to memorize better and quicker and to play in public?. Thanks!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Practice reading ahead. Sing the music to yourself when you are away from your instrument.

STOP PLAYING NOTES! Play music! Each of your four pieces is a story! Each has something, about life, to say!

Tell the story with your instrument! Make the females that hear you want to go have SEX NOW! Make the males want to sit at your feet and be your slave for ever.

It is not about playing notes correctly, it is about feelings, your feelings and your moving your audience with your feelings.

The notes are a guide to this particular story, it is not your story, it is the author??s story. You just get to communicate it with your feelings.

Until you can do this, you will never play!

I do not know you personally, but I know that you are a beautiful soul! I know that you can walk into the room and every male will want to be near you! I know that God has formed you as no other creature on this earth, and that from the tips of your fingers flow all the forces of nature, every temptation that has led man to his grave, and all the joy that has raised him up form it!

Look in the mirror and see your inner self, look at your piano and let it become one with you. Sit and play, no music, play around the themes that you are to play. Let it flow as it will, there is no right or wrong!

Later, start from the middle and play, do not stop for errors, and make no negative sounds because of errors. Play the last piece and then the first. Play them all, but, today, do not stop for errors. Tomorrow, start at the top, for every error go back to the beginning, repeat until you complete the piece!