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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Watch this video of Colorguard what do you think about them?


Watch this video of Colorguard what do you think about them?

This is my school's colorguard and band. Based on your opinion how do u think the colorguard did? Why? and how do you think we can improve on it?......i really need your help because i have a performance this saturday and i wanna know what we need to work on...Watch the video. Thank you very much for your time....heres the url to the video

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think the performance was great. If is was a competition, I'm guess would be that you finished in the top 5.
I on in the color guard (100 years ago) and also was an adviser when I taught, so the only think I would say is to tighten the lines and moves. Everyone should make 1 movement and be on the same step.
Good luck~~