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Obviously my last question was a bit misconstued?

For those of you who haven't read my last qestion on this topic, here are the details. I'm a singer, but still a bit green in the business. I can't seem to breath properly to get the right sound in my songs. Unfortunately I titled my last question incorrectly and now people seem to think I'm actually losing my voice. Well I'm not, I'm just trying to find out how I could possibly make my voice stronger, and more "Broadway." When I said I was losing my voice I meant my voice is weak because I can't breath properly, I'm not having medical trouble. I want to be able to belt out a song and sound great! The one I'm considering performing is, "Mary Did You Know," since the performance is in December and that's my favorite Christmas song. I've never sung it before, though, and the crowd is promising to be big. I don't want to make a fool of myself so I need to become a stonger "breather." Can anyone tell me how to better my diaphramatic breathing? Thanks for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First, how old are you? If you're in your teens, your voice may not have matured enough to be "rich" sounding. Not every voice is meant to have a "Broadway" sound. I'm a soprano with over 30 years of experience in musicals. One year of voice lessons may not be enough. Try this; lie on the floor with your arms at your side. In this position, your body will be relaxed and it will be easier to breathe deeply. Slowly breathe in through your nose without letting your chest move up and down. Your stomach area should expand. You should also feel your rib cage expanding out to the side. Exhale slowly & evenly, making a "sssssss" sound. Doing this will help you to concentrate on breathing correctly. You can also do this exercise standing up with a lit candle just a few inches from your mouth. Try to breathe without blowing out the flame. Try not to let the flame move very much.

You may have to learn that your voice is not meant to belt. It may be a beautiful "bell-like" soprano.

If you still want to belt the song, try it in a lower key or a key that fits your range better. Good luck to you!