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Is this a good idea?

To switch from french horn to bass clarinet? why or why not? If not tell me a good woddwind switch to that has a deep sound aka bari or tenor sax etc or anything like that

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Personally being a music teacher I would want you to stay on french horn. It is so hard to find a good horn player. However, if you have your heart set on switching I would go to bassoon. They have a wonderful full, deep sound. And they are challenging. And if you are a french horn player obviously you like a challenge. Whatever you decide you can't go wrong with trying your best. I personally love the sound of a french horn. I also love the sound of a bassoon. I myself am a saxophone player. And let me tell you from personal experience we are a dime a dozen as are clarinet players. Well good luck with whatever you choose.

Whatever you do stay with music! It adds so much to your life.