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Help with child learning piano?

My daughter takes piano and has weekly lessons. She then has a series of songs that she has to practise at home for the week and will play them to the teacher the following week.

I am not familiar with piano whatsoever.

This week, one of the songs she has to learn is Silent Night. She is unable to play the song as she states she doesn't know the positions required, specifically she says the F position.

Is there any suggestions on how I can help her this week. Is there any website that shows a keyboard playing various songs so that she can see what keys are being pressed?

Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, I am a piano teacher.

You do not state how long your daughter has been having lessons but I would assume it has been less than a year. Do you sit in the room when she has lessons? If the teacher allows this, you can then listen in and keep up to date and ask questions for what she needs to do for the week. The teacher should always write down as clearly as possible what to do. If your daughter forgets where to start, get a pencil and mark in clues on the music. It is best to do this in the lesson to make sure it is correct.

I find that sometimes my students come to the lesson and say ' I couldn't find the hand position'. I would then just merely ask them step by step what they need to do to find the note. They find it through thinking, not by me just giving the answer.

questions to ask would be: 'what is the first note?' which hand do you play it with? what finger number is it? ok, now put that finger on that note.

if the piece changes position, the teacher should have pencilled in some sort of hint at this point. If he/she is not doing so, perhaps you should suggest they do.

If you can't find what the first note is, ask him/her what note she does know, and then find the starting note working backwards/forwards from that note.

Anyway, I hope this has not caused too much confusion. It is very difficult to answer a question like this on here.

try this website.... it has lots of good ideas for practising as well as some free reading games etc.
