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Cart wheel, toe touch & splits?

I cant do a cart-wheel, toe-touch or the splits. At the end of the year there is gonna be dance try-outs for my school and these things are required. What kinds of things can I do to learn how?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Get someone to spot you until you are comfortable doing cartwheels...some one large than can place one hand on each side of your waist and "help" you while you practice.
The toe touch can be practiced on a trampoline...when you have the correct movement...switch to the ground with ankle weights and keep trying...this will strengthen you legs and when you take the weights off you will be amazed at how easy you can do it...
for the just have to elongate the muscle in your thighs....sit on your bottom and keep pressing your toes out further and further..then start adding your body weight by lowering yourself down as far as you can....a little more each it slowly and do not "force" could injure your muscles and then have to recuperate...
Good Luck and God Bless