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Is a bass guitar easy to learn?

Is it a lot easier than a normal guitar because it has 4 strings and not 6?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It really depends on what music you intend to play. Even though one of the other answers mentioned it being more physical, it can also be easier to start with. However there are certainly many reasons that it can become challenging.

Country Music and some types of Rock, like stuff for Van Halen are mind numbingly easy on the bass (as a generalization). However, progressive rock, jazz, funk, etc... can all be really challenging to whatever level you want to take it.

A 4 string bass is easy to learn how to read music and apply scales forms to the neck. And since the 4 string bass is the same as the first 4 strings on a guitar (only the bass strings are thicker) you can use that knowledge to help your guitar playing later on.

But remember that there are 5 string and 6 string basses. I don't recommend starting there.

If you want more help starting, feel free to write my profile. No charge, just a fellow bass player trying to help out.