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When Performing how does one stop from shaking?I have been performing for over 9 years but still cant shake it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here's a secret.

I'm not going to bother telling you to relax, or to focus on breathing, or to think positive thoughts or any of that. While these things can help, it's not stopping the physical ailments when it comes to performing. That's not something you can stop or control either. And I'm guessing that since you've been performing for over 9 years, that you've most likely heard all this stuff before, and tried it.

Some people say eat a banana beforehand. This does work, to some extent.

The secret; inderal. Also called propranolol. This is what I rely on at this point in my life. It's a drug that's used for people who suffer from heart attacks; it stops the rush of adrenaline. This adrenaline is what causes you to be all shaky.

There are no mental side effects at all. You feel NO different, except, you know, you're not physically held back from performing well. I use it for solo performances and important auditions, and I've done really well each time with it. Beforehand, I was physically unable to perform. *cue the cheese* This drug changed my life.

You need to get a prescription to get it, but all you really need to do is visit your doctor and tell them what's up. They might take your blood pressure, but otherwise it's not a problem to get.

E-mail me at if you have any questions or even if you want to talk about performing. It's scary business!