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I love to act!! but my mom....?

i love to act and i've told my mom i want to get into acting classes and such but she won't listen to me!! there was an audition for a disney channel show last weekend and i told my mom that i wanted to go tryout but she said maybe someother time. i've even asked my mom if i could stay after school to tryout for our school play but she won't let me! i don't know what to do.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey pinkflami...,

You should respect your Mother. That means treating her they way you want to be treated. That said, life is a two way street. She should listen to you, but you may have to make it subtle. What I am suggesting is opening a conversation. Ask her if her objection is that she does not want to see you hurt? She probably knows, that the field of acting is filled with failures. But, you could approach it that you simply want to have some fun trying, see if you really do like it, and if you have the commitment.

Her issue could be money - lessons/classes can cost some money, which might put the family budget over the edge. Her issue could be the time consumed running around to take you around. So, you need to see it from her perspective. That will allow you to really have a heart-to-heart with her.

You can get lessons off the internet too! Here are some sites that you might like. Best of luck!