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Big Problem?

I recently came across a pair of mucky boots in a field and for some reason maybe inscent i brought them to a charity shop and was banned 4m ever coming back. I've lost all self confidence now and the worst thing of all is my parents think i'm crazy. Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don't feel down! I don't blame you if you never go into that shop again. Please don't let that hinder your giving spirit though.

I had a similar experience and it goes like this:
Salvation Army in my town has a Christmas Tree Angel Program. You pick an Angel off the tree and you purchase clothing and a toy for the child whose name appears on it. Well I bought a few clothing items and a few toys for the 10 month old child who was listed on my Angel. While standing in line, the lady before me had bags and bags of stuff overflowing with gifts for her Christmas Angel, and said she wished she could do more. I thought that was very nice of her. However, when it came my turn to give the booth my Angel's gifts, the worker asked "Is this all you bought?" I was so hurt that I have never participated in that particular program again. However, I find other ways to give. I donate food and money to food banks. I participate in Toys for Tots, and also give the gently used clothes and toys my child has outgrown to shelters.

There are many other ways to give, don't let one bad apple deter you from your spirit of giving!! Keep up the good work.
God Bless!