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Reading Choir Music Arrangements?

I know that, in choir music, the top note in the treble clef is soprano, and the bottom is alto. Also, the top note in the bass clef is tenor, and the bottom is bass. But how do you perform the music when, say, the treble clef has a triad (three notes in a single chord). Who sings what? Same question for the bass clef. When the chord is more than two notes, who sings what, and how do you divide that up? Thanks


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8 months ago
Thanks for the answer! Do you know how to decide whether to divide it into two alto and one spoprano or two soprano and one alto? or is it just a matter of preference?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
Thanks for the answer! Do you know how to decide whether to divide it into two alto and one spoprano or two soprano and one alto? or is it just a matter of preference?