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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have to sing the Alleluia tomorrow for Church and im really nervous. HELP!!!!!


I have to sing the Alleluia tomorrow for Church and im really nervous. HELP!!!!!?

i have to sing the Alleluia for tomorrwo and im really scared. people say i have a really nice voice and that ill do fine. but i have a whole bunch of nerves. i have never sang infront of a crowd of people before and my teacher wants me to sing the verse too becausse i did it perfectly. im really scared to do it in front of my crush. i just dont wanna mess up infront of him and look like an idiot. and i dont want him to tell me i did bad. i want to get a complement from him saying that i did a good job. any tips on how i can not be so nervous tomorrow? i want to do well infront of my crush and everyone else. please help me. i have major stage fright. i need tips!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd be interested in which Alleluia you're singing, and where you're singing it (church, small group, recital?). I presume it's a solo. First, realize that yours is a normal problem. There's really only one solution over time: sing in front of everyone you can. As time goes on, you'll gain confidence. You have to take every opportunity to sing in front of others.
As for tomorrow:
(1) Don't let any doubt enter your mind that you're good! This is really important. Hype yourself up. Tell yourself over and over, "I'm magnificent, and I'm not going to do anything but the best. Everyone will love me."
(2) Ask the members of your family or your friends to listen to you. That's practicing: not the music, but the performing.
(3) Most singers look at least slightly above the audience's heads. At the beginning, eye contact can be deadly. In addition, the voice projection outward and upward is excellent vocal technique.
(4) In practicing, "fall in love with your voice," realize it's beautiful and moving.
(5) Know your own emotional level of involvement in the piece. There are certain pieces that will make me break into tears if I don't distance myself somewhat from the meaning. Personally, I have at times to just think technique.
(6) Breathe, breathe, breathe! Deep breaths before beginning to sing. Take every breath deeply o rests and punctuations. This is the most important immediate thing you can do in performing.
(7) immediateFinally, don't think of yourself as presenting yourself. You're a humble, simple artist, presenting this beautiful piece by this wondrous composer. It's not really about you; it's about the music. That takes the pressure off.
Go knock their socks off!