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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone out there have an Major or minor in oboe or any other wind interment


Does anyone out there have an Major or minor in oboe or any other wind interment?

I was just wondering. I think that it would be fun to minor in oboe. I've been playing since 7th grade and I'm now a sophomore and I think that it would be interesting. What all does it involve (besides the obvious)? and what do you have to do to get there?

I would want to do oboe as a "minor" and Physical Therapy (or pta) as my major.

I already talked to my band director about it. (I??m only a sophomore) and what would be some other options, I know that I don't want to completely stop playing after I graduate, I love it to much to.

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7 months ago
what would be my other options besides "moinoring" in it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
what would be my other options besides "moinoring" in it?