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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I improve on singing higher notes and with more vibrato?


How can I improve on singing higher notes and with more vibrato?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: RELAX which is probably the hardest part of vocal training. Do not stretch to reach the notes lean back open your throat and let the note come out naturally.

The vibrato can be enhanced artificially but first it must be present naturally. The process requires a loose neck and constant airflow to create the rhythmic warbling in the tone.

Scales are usually the best practice simply start where you feel comfortable and keep going up and up. Then when you reach a point you feel tight sing the note while moving your neck in a circle. The note may not stay consistent but the movement will open those muscles up. Also consistent airflow not quantity is important. Breathing exercises can go a long way to helping you achieve vocal quality.

Lastly simply keep practicing gaps in vocal range close with practice and time.