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I totally froze during my first audition. help?

any ''not frozing'' advice you give will totally help. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd like to know more details, such as what kind of audition, what level of performance, what size audience, etc. However, the main thing about auditions is they are a ONE TIME, ONE PLACE happening. It may be VERY important to your future, but it really isn't the defining moment of your life. It may be temporarily, but we all have these moments and have to get past them. You may not be at your BEST at that ONE TIME and PLACE. That's the way of life (C'est La vie). So part of your preparation for auditions is to make sure you are well-rested and physically able to perform as best you can. Of course lots of practice time goes into it!

The best way to handle auditions (after you've done all your pre-parations):
(1) Make yourself relax as much as possible. I can still remember the butterflies I had as a young performer. But I still remember my BEST performances were when I was totally RELAXED. If you are playing and instrument (especially piano and drums), just before performing, wash your hands with real warm water to help your muscles relax.
and (2) The reason most of us love music (also applies to dance and acting) is because you can LOSE YOURSELF IN THE PERFORMANCE!. Just shut everything else out and get into your performance.